Vitamins and Minerals
Vitamins and minerals play an important role in coping with the SARS-CoV2 virus. Our immunity system needs to be supported during a pandemic situation. That's why we need to take a higher doses of vitamins. Rich diet along with a high doses of vitamins and minerals helps the body to build the immunity and resistance to diseasess.
2 items
Vitistop "30" - New formula
(1100021)Vitistop tablets represent an essential element in the fight against vitiligo. Unique tablets with a high content of key vitamins and components like L-Tyrosine or EXTRAMEL® (Superoxide dismutase).
In stock (1421 pcs)
18 £
Vitistop "60" - New formula
(1100022)Vitistop tablets are an essential element in combating vitiligo. These unique tablets contain high levels of key vitamins and components such as L-Tyrosine and EXTRAMEL® (Superoxide dismutase).
In stock (2497 pcs)
30 £